Thursday, October 21, 2010

My Field Trip

On my field trip I got to feed chickens and feel a real chicken egg. I loved it a lot. We went on a hike to a spring. They also told me a Native American Story. I had a lot of fun!Joe

Thursday, September 9, 2010

My new Teacher

Yesterday I started school my teacher's name is Mrs. Turnbull. Her favorite animal is a bee,and she has a whole story behind her last name and I'll tell it to you. So there was a Scottish king and he was riding his horse around places and another guy saw a bull running at him so the guy who saw the bull ran at it and grabbed it by the horns and turned it around on it's back. So the king knighted him Sir. Turnbull. I had Agreat first week at school.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Last week I went to Hawaii. It was total awesomeness and attractiveness. We went snorkeling in Haunauma bay,we went swimming at our hotel,we saw pearl harbor and the USS Bowffin (a submarine) the Battle Ship Missouri (a huge battle ship) and the Arizona memorial. We also went ocean kayaking. All in all it was a great vacation.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Hello me again. Well I wanted to let every body reading this that I won my baseball tournament! My team was the dodgers and at first we were the worst team and then we came back and won the Championship weird huh? Also we saw Toy Story 3. I loved it it was very funny. 2 days ago I saw awesome fire works for 4th of July. And on July 13 we have a family reunion at Bear Lake Utah. I can't Wait! Also The Klipple kids are over at our house for three days and the first day we had a nerf war it was awesome!The second we went swimming.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

My Game

Ok my blog did not let me in again! (isn't that great:()Ok I will fill you in. On Easter I got 10 pixie sticks,1 box of chocolate whopper eggs, a few marshmallow bunnies, a little stuffed animal bunny and a stuffed animal lamb:) Yesterday I had a Base ball game and we won 12 to 9. I had two great hits both to left field on a pop fly. I played catcher,pitcher,and short stop:) it was fun! tonight I had Base Ball practice I had 15 good hits there!I also got hit in the throat and the arm.My grandma and grandpa Stepan are coming in 6 days! I can't wait.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

My Base ball Team

A few days a go I was told what my team name for baseball is. We're the Dodgers I know three out of twelve people. There names are Johnny,Sebastion,and Kile.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Mile!

Yesterday was the mile! Me and my friend ran together and got 802. It was the fastest time in the grade!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

I have a great new seires!

Over christmas vacation I got contacts!I 'm realy excited 'cause now when I'm play ing sports my glasses won't fall 'cause I don't have them and I can read better. Another thing I started a new book series its called the Alex Rider series. Its about 14 teen year old boy by the name of Alex Rider that becomes a spy. He gets a realy cool gadget that is zit cream and its completely harmelus to skin but disinigrates any tipe of metal. He also gets a grapleing hook yo-yo with thirty yards of unbreakable nylon cord those are only two of the many gadgets he gets. There are ten books and I'm on the second but I love the seires so far. There great books for spy and action lovers. Like I said there great books and I love them! I'm still sick with my family except for daddy and I have stay home. It stinks. And on that happy note bye.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Tonights the pine wood derby

I'm sorry I haven't been writing but my blog wouldn't let me on so yeah. But what I'm on here about is that last tonight was the pine wood derby! I got 2 to last hey at least I moved up one. Yes last year I got last.( I'm not very good at making these cars.) Another thing today I'm sick and I'm not to happy. But it's OK. THE END